The Wagley Group
The Wagley Group

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I’ll see you soon, Ms.

August, 2023 – Faithful Living ~

After receiving a call from her daughter in California, I sensed the urgency in her voice. It’s been 4 1/2 years since my dear friends transitioned from Adrian. I knew I needed to get there if I was going to see her again in this side of Heaven. This extraordinary woman was affectionately called the Ms. Dropping everything, I phoned her husband and said I would be there soon.

As I walked toward the facility, I connected with her oldest son who was heading out to get a drink. He said, “Dad is right around the corner.” I heard the Rev’s voice and walked toward it. Coming around the covered portico, he was seated on a bench. When our eyes met, there was mutual joy in seeing each other again. He looked as vibrant as when I saw him last. At almost 92, he hasn’t skipped a beat. I sat and we chatted for a few moments; listened to a cardinal in the distance-his favorite bird, then we stood and walked inside.

Her room was just inside the door to the right. They’ve had different living arrangements since my dear friend needed more assistance. It was quiet and peaceful when we entered. As I gazed upon her face, I remembered seeing this countenance before, 11 years earlier, at the bedside of my Mother.

The Rev. let her know I had come. As he got up, I sat down. I learned once that hearing is the last to go…so leaning close and speaking softly in her right ear, I reminisced about memories of days gone by and expressed my gratitude for the loving familial relationship that me and my family had with theirs over these many years. I wanted to let her know that our family appreciated and loved them so much.

As I stroked her beautiful white hair and caressed her shoulder, her eyes shifted slowly once in my direction and her expression changed. The forward half-staffed stare was graced by one tear and I knew that she felt and heard my words of love. She was like a Mom to me and frankly to many.

Faithfulness and loyalty top the list of characteristics when I think of her. She was faithful to her family, her church, her many friends and to the community around her. She was fierce in her faith and was a champion for many causes in helping to advance the Kingdom. She was a committed, loyal, ‘servant hearted’ Christ follower who made a difference.

She was fun loving and her home and table were open to all. When you were around this clan, the Von Trapp family singers, could absolutely not hang or hold a candle to these vocalists! She was often the ring leader in singing songs and her beautiful voice coupled with others, I believe, brought much joy to our Lord and those who listened.

Her laughter and grace were hallmarks of her personality. She was accepting and inclusive. Her character and integrity will always remain strong pillars.

When I think of the impact she had in the community, I stand a little taller.

I’ll mention two major influences: She founded The Great Pasty Project to benefit Habitat for Humanity of Lenawee—Born out of a love of those ‘UP invented’ miner meals and her staunch Yooper roots. And, she was a former chairwoman of the ecumenical statewide organization, Church Women United.

As I witnessed a bit of this important process of the detachment of her soul from her body…with one foot in this world and one foot in the next, I whispered that it was ok to go; that the Rev. would be just fine. I told her to hug her son, my lifelong friend, and my Mom and Dad for me when she gets there.

Her breathing was shallow and soft with an occasional deep sigh. I told her I am jealous…because she gets to see Jesus, face-to-face. I kissed her forehead and said, “God bless you, I’ll see you soon.”

As a granddaughter came by to visit and her dad returning, I knew it was family time.

My wife read a post from her daughter the following morning and she said, “She passed away 30 minutes after I left.” Ah, to be released from the Alzheimer prison that entangled her for so long!

“Precious in the sight of the Lord are the death of the saints.” Psalm 116:15 ESV

Helen Hokenson has finished her race and she has kept the faith. Therefore, the Lord Christ has personally awarded to her, in the waning moments of the afternoon on Tuesday, August 15th…the blessed crown of righteousness. And, as Jesus gave her the best hug ever, He exclaimed, “Well done, good and faithful servant! Welcome to Heaven!”

It’s never “goodbye” for the Christ follower… only just, “We’ll see you soon.” Sing my dear friend! You are a member now in the most magnificent Halleluiah choir that has ever been assembled! Sing on, until we meet again.

“May the Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord cause His face to shine on you and be gracious to you; may the Lord lift up His countenance toward you and give you peace.”
Numbers 6: 24-26 BSB

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